Trading Hotkeys
The Hotkeys feature allows traders to execute orders and adjust settings quickly and efficiently using preset keyboard shortcuts.
Hotkey Settings
To create hotkeys, navigate to the platform settings and locate the Hotkeys section. From there, you can define specific keyboard combinations for various actions, such as executing trades or adjusting platform settings. After setting up and saving your hotkeys, enable them for specific components by clicking the "H" icon located near the top left of each component's window. This allows you to use the hotkeys efficiently within the platform.
Available hotkeys
Buy Market
Sell Market
Join Bid
Join Ask
Reverse Position
Close Position
Cancel All
Flatten All
Hide Vol. Profile Column
Center on Last Price
Contract Size +1
Contract Size -1
Break Even
More hotkeys will be available soon. Stay tuned for updates!
Please note: the browser must be 'focused' for hot keys to work.
Last updated