Custom Layouts
Create Custom Layouts
You can rearrange the platform's components on your workspace by clicking and dragging the component's header to other areas of your layout or adding it as a tab. Upon clicking and dragging the component, a yellow arrow key tool will appear to guide the placement.
Once you’ve adjusted the layout to your preference, "draft" will appear next to your layout name. To save the changes made to your selected layout, click the ‘Save Layout’ button in the upper right-hand corner.
To save the changes made to your layout as a new layout option, click the "Save as New Layout" button in the upper right-hand corner and create a Layout Name.
Multiple windows
You can pop out multiple windows by clicking the double-square button in the top-right corner. Once a new window/tab opens in your browser, you can maximize individual components (e.g. Chart, DOM, Quotes, etc.) by clicking the square on the top-right corner of the section. There is no limit to the number of windows you can have open at a time.
Note: due to exchange regulations, you can only have ProjectX open on one device / browser instance at a time. This means if you have it open on a PC, you cannot have it open on your phone. You also cannot have it open on multiple PC's at the same time nor can you have it open on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge at the same time. However, having multiple 'window tabs' open on a single device (browser) is permitted.
Reset layout
You can reset your layout to the default settings by clicking the "Reset Layout" button in the upper right-hand corner. Clicking "Reset Layout" will return the layout to the default settings.
Delete saved layout
You can delete a saved layout by first selecting the layout name in the drop-down that you want to delete. After selecting the layout, click the "Delete Layout" button in the upper right-hand corner.
Last updated