Performance Stats
The Performance Stats page offers analytics and performance metrics based on your account's trading activity. It includes real-time analytics and detailed reports on your trades.
The Performance Center allows traders to track and analyze their trading activity. It records important metrics and allows traders to analyze performance through statistics and charts. The Performance Center aims to provide traders with insights into their trading behavior and performance to enhance their overall trading strategies and outcomes.
Performance Stats
Total P&L: The total realized net profit and loss across the specified timeframe
Trade Win %: Reflects the percentage of your winning trades out of total trades taken over the specified timeframe
Avg win/loss trade: The average profit on all winning and losing trades over the specified timeframe
Day Win %: The percentage of winning trades today
Profit Factor: Total profits divided by total losses over the specified timeframe
Best Day % of Total Profit: The percentage of total profit contributed by the most profitable day
Daily Account Balance Chart: The daily (closed) account balance on the account
Trading Coach Tips: The Coaching Tip is generated based on your account's performance
Most Active Day: The day of the week with the most frequent trading activity
Most Profitable Day: The day of the week with the highest total profit
Least Profitable Day: The day of the week with the lowest total profit (or highest loss)
Total Number of Trades: The total number of trades executed during the selected period
Total Number of Lots Traded: The total number of lots traded during the selected period
Average Trade Duration: The average duration of trades in seconds
Best Trade: Details of the most profitable trade
Worst Trade: Details of the least profitable trade
Daily Net Cumulative P&L: The total realized net profit and loss for all closed trades broken down by day over the specified timeframe
Net Daily P&L: The total realized net profit and loss for all closed trades over the specified timeframe
Trade Duration Analysis Chart: The distribution of trades based on their trades
Win Rate by Trade Duration Chart: The winrate of trades based on their duration
Calendar: A calendar breakdown of each trading day and the ability to view analytics for that day and add journal entries.
Trades Log: The log of recent trades during the selected period
Last updated